Friday, July 24, 2009

Qualifying Status

  • Taikwon Paige is going to have a battle to qualify. He needs a C in his history class in order to qualify. He says he will need a B on his final to get there.
  • Demond Washington seems to be on track to qualify. He also needs C's in his classes to qualify and says he is on track to get an A, B and a C.


  1. He better start studying. The real question is the final cumulative?

  2. really need these guys to qualify. think they could be on the field this coming year?

  3. They would both play this year. If both quailify, Id say Paige plays nickle (3rd) CB, and Washington plays Slot (z) WR. But if only Washington qualifies, then he his definately going to play CB.


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