Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm About To Go Back To Doing A Wrap Up Update At The End Of The Day...

Rivals now saying Dixon may be coming. I am going to wait a couple hours before I post anything else on this situation. Kind of getting ridiculous. More to come (in a few hours) ;) ha..


  1. this is hilarious. least your on top of things.

  2. might as well check out to see if Dyer is coming.

  3. Wow. It sure does get convoluted in the recruiting game.

  4. Stay tuned to here and message boards for all the latest updates on this weekend

  5. Some people are saying that Seastrunk and none of his crew are coming....Is that true?

  6. Seastrunk,Reed & their 5 star DB freind are not coming. Dyer was on a local Arkansas radio station and stated he was playing in a 7 on 7 tourney at Arkansas this weekend, but might try to come on Sunday. He stated Auburn & Tennessee were his top with Arkansas next.

    Where did the freaking Vols come from? and why would he go there after Brown & Oku? Anyway, the Big Bang recruiting weekend may end up a dud. Why would T Taylor say this is going to much for Auburn fans to be exited about this weekend if he couldn't back it up. He doesn't need to be saying these things,beacuse it's going make him look bad.

  7. I think you are a closet bama fan


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