Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Early Practice Notes

  • Practice was shoulder pads, helmets, shorts...
  • A lot has been asked about Jay Wisner and Philip Pierre-Louis both wearing number 82. Today, Pierre-Louis was wearing 6.
  • Freshman John Sullen was working with first team at right guard. Byron Isom was not wearing pads.
  • Daren Bates was working with linebackers.
  • Terrell Zachary has some sort of injury but no need for concern right now.
  • Eltoro Freeman is now wearing a plaster cast on his right wrist.
  • Clint Moseley was wearing number 11 tonight.
  • Not sure if Spencer Pybus was out there...
  • Ben Tate was not in pads today.
  • Kodi Burns was taking a few snaps with quarterbacks tonight.


  1. Beaver,

    Whats the skinny on Nigel Terrell? Does he have a firm offer from Auburn? If so, are we recruiting him hard? ESPN thinks very highly of him...they rated him a 4 star with a grade of 81.

  2. John Sullen was a raw talent when he was recruited last year, either he has come a long way or he o-line is in REAL need. Hopefully, he has come a long way and we are trying to give him experience in case he is needed.

  3. Terrell did not have a committable offer that last I heard but I have heard whispers that he may have one now...I think the coaches have gotten higher on him than they used to be...I think we land L. Owens and if we miss on CJ Mosley, which I think we will, Terrell may get a committable offer...


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